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0 Follower 6 Views

Sonu Kumar

Contributor-Level 10

A best known choice for students interested in food technology is the MIT School of Food Technology (MIT SoFT). Modern facilities, extensive instruction, and knowledgeable professors are well-known attributes of the college. Students can learn
0 Follower 5 Views

Sonu Kumar

Contributor-Level 10

The cost of attending the MIT School of Food Technology can vary depending on factors such as tuition, fees, living expenses, and other personal expenses. Total Program Fee: Rs 7,73,000  . Every year the fee structure is Rs1,76,000/- for
0 Follower 3 Views

Sonu Kumar

Contributor-Level 10

For students interested in food technology, the MIT School of Food Technology (MIT SoFT) provides a dynamic and stimulating environment. As a result of their exposure to a variety of food technologies and practices, students are better equippe