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rohith kola

Guide-Level 14

Both are good and comparable college. But Mnnit Allahabad has comparably good faculty. So go for Mnit Allahabad. If you live near Jaipur, you can opt for Jaipur also.
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Shiksha Ask & Answer
nikhil agrawal Current Student- MNNIT, Allahabad

Contributor-Level 7

I think it's very tough to get mechanical in a good NIT. Still you can go for the counseling.
0 Follower 71 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Manish Motwani

Guide-Level 14

Sorry, but with these marks, you won't be able to get into MVNIT with your rank. Also , it'll not be possible with any of the government institutes. Kindly go for private universities with B.Arch courses which have big placements records or tr
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Shiksha Ask & Answer
Nawal Jha Mathematicians

Beginner-Level 5

Mnit Jaipur is better then Chandigarh.
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Shiksha Ask & Answer
Manish Motwani

Guide-Level 14

Though your marks are almost around MANIT B.Arch, you'll likely to get admission in second round possibly with hoem state quota.
Some recommedations are:
NIT-Bhopal, Calicut, Hamirpur, Jaipur, Nagpur, Patna, Raipur, Rourkela, Trichy, Kozhikode,
0 Follower 54 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Manish Motwani

Guide-Level 14

Sorry, you need at least 215 marks to be able to get into MNIT, Jaipur, B.Arch courses. Moreover, you still have minute chances if you add home state quota with it. Kindly go for NIT- Kozhikode, NIT-Calicut and NIT-Bhopal which you are likely
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Shiksha Ask & Answer
Dhairya Mehta

Contributor-Level 7

You have a chance. Go for it but it also depends if you are applying from home quota or other state.
All the best!
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Shiksha Ask & Answer
Mohammed Faraz

Contributor-Level 10

There are no chances of getting admission in any NIT, as of ST category the seats close within 1000 rank.
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Ritesh Yadav National Institute of technology GOA

Contributor-Level 8

You should go for NIT calicut.
0 Follower 259 Views

rohith kola

Guide-Level 14

Firstly, IIT-Jodhpur is quite new, I mean just four years old or so while MNIT has an established reputation and is now in its 52nd year. Also, the infrastructure is good. No offence intended towards IIT-Jodhpur but if you take out the tag "II