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0 Follower 51 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Abhishek Desai

Scholar-Level 17

With that good CET score, you can surely expect to get admission in NL Dalmia's PGDM course provided you perform really well in the interview rounds.
Good luck.
0 Follower 273 Views

Divya Singh

Beginner-Level 4

If you are thinking to opt for finance as your specialisation in MBA course then I must refer you NL Dalmia Institute as it holds a very esteem value when it comes to an MBA in finance, one of the best colleges for finance and also the plus po
0 Follower 113 Views

Saurabh Paliwal

Contributor-Level 6

I cannot comment about Wellinkar, but NL Dalmia is in the process of getting NBA accreditation.
0 Follower 40 Views

Amrit Raj

Scholar-Level 16

Hi Shreya,
It totally depends on your luck now. As people get admission with this score. No problem is there. But now, as a wait list, you will get a seat in this college. Only when someone (two students) give up his seat means they refuse to
0 Follower 18 Views

Saurabh Paliwal

Contributor-Level 6

Through CAP DTE chances are bleak, but you would have tried for PGDM. Although, the interviews are over now so all the best for CAP rounds.
0 Follower 150 Views

Kanika Rastogi

Contributor-Level 7

Well your question is revealing a dilemma. If your college gets NBA accreditation then it will be pre-decided by the authorities that which batch will be awarded with the benefits. So, you can only wait and stay positive for the results.
0 Follower 14 Views

Saurabh Paliwal

Contributor-Level 6

Hey Abdul,
Previous work experience gives you an edge in terms of corporate exposure and packages vary with the respective stream, so if you have selected any stream I would be able to help you better.
0 Follower 69 Views

Saurabh Paliwal

Contributor-Level 6

Hi Sayli, can you brief about your academic background it will be helpful in guiding.
0 Follower 35 Views

Saurabh Paliwal

Contributor-Level 6

You have a good profile and fair chance of conversion, depends also on your performance in GD PI as well. Selection will be based purely on merit, which will be evaluated out of 100 marks as below:
1.Entrance test score i.e. CAT or XAT or CMAT
0 Follower 83 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
preksha jain Networker, motivator

Contributor-Level 9

Your MAT score is good but if they prefer 10&12, then chances are less.
I would suggest you to check the last year cut off for MMS.