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0 Follower 223 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Ashutosh Singh

Contributor-Level 8

A score above is 92 is helpful provided you perform well in the GD/PI.
0 Follower 218 Views

Rishabh Bohra

Contributor-Level 10

The placements for HR is quicker because the number of students is limited to 20 hence the more focus is on HR. The average is around Rs.5-6 lakhs p.a. overall.
0 Follower 144 Views

Rishabh Bohra

Contributor-Level 10

The admission process for PGDBM this year are already done. You will have to apply next year for it. In case of MMS if you are registered with DTE rounds then you can get it or otherwise even those rounds have already started.
0 Follower 184 Views

Rishabh Bohra

Contributor-Level 10

To my knowledge, this year there wasn't any such program conducted.
0 Follower 364 Views

Rishabh Bohra

Contributor-Level 10

Yes, it is good in terms of faculty and course structure. The exact number of recruiters is not given out by college but this year all marketing students have been placed. Average package is around Rs.5-6 lakhs p.a.
0 Follower 101 Views

Rishabh Bohra

Contributor-Level 10

Semester 1 exams are conducted around October mostly after Diwali. The minimum compulsory attendance is 75%. You have to decide for your self which college you want, in terms of convenience, stream, faculty, education and recognition.
0 Follower 131 Views

Rishabh Bohra

Contributor-Level 10

It depends on you. Average package that people get is around Rs.5-6 lakhs p.a.
0 Follower 88 Views

Rishabh Bohra

Contributor-Level 10

Highest salary package this year was around Rs9-9.5 lakhs p.a.
0 Follower 376 Views

Rishabh Bohra

Contributor-Level 10

Yes it is. College observes strict 75% attendance for all the subjects in every semester.
0 Follower 218 Views

Rishabh Bohra

Contributor-Level 10

You have to decide field before you apply for PGDBM and then fill that in form while applying. The decision is to made at the start. Fees is around Rs.3 lakhs p.a. And has to be paid at the start of the year.