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0 Follower 31 Views

Rishabh Bohra

Contributor-Level 10

Yes indeed the college is well known for its finance but marketing here is also good with eminent faculties and good course structure. All the students who opt for get the placement opportunities and average package is around 6 lakhs p.a.
0 Follower 42 Views

Rishabh Bohra

Contributor-Level 10

The admission in PGDBM will depend upon your performance in gd/pi rounds and your percent score. While in case of MMS u need to apply through dte rounds where last year the cutoff was around 96 percentile. Fees for MMS is in vicinity of 5.5 to
1 Follower 739 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Ankur Kumar It good to commit mistakes but only if you learn.

Guide-Level 13

In the answer of your another question you will find answer for this as well and in addition to that N.L. Dalmia isn't that good college.
Good luck.
0 Follower 59 Views

Rishabh Bohra

Contributor-Level 10

Yes indeed the college is well known for its finance, but marketing is also very good here with eminent faculties for the same.
0 Follower 16 Views

Rishabh Bohra

Contributor-Level 10

Hey kunal, the college is well known for finance and i guess that's why you have this query but let me tell you, the college is equally very good for marketing because of its eminent faculties and a very good course structure. Even the placeme
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Rishabh Bohra

Contributor-Level 10

With 96.12 percentile there are good chances of admission provided a good performance in gd/pi rounds. The avg package is around 6.5 lakhs. The dates of gd/pi will be communicated to you once you submit the form.
0 Follower 70 Views

Rishabh Bohra

Contributor-Level 10

The admission in PGDBM depends on your percentile and as well as your gdpi performance in total. The process is that when you fill the form, you will be alloted a date for gdpi rounds, document verfication and essay test. Later the list will b
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Rishabh Bohra

Contributor-Level 10

It is a myth amongst the mind of students. Corporates know that the value imparted to both are same. Some college unlike dalmia even give some extra knowledge to pgdm. Mms is generally important in case of government jobs where they give prefe
0 Follower 29 Views

Rishabh Bohra

Contributor-Level 10

The last date for application for pgdbm is 31st march, 2016. The fees is 3 lakhs p.a. That makes it 6 lakhs for the whole course.
0 Follower 112 Views

Rishabh Bohra

Contributor-Level 10

Hello rahul, your admission depends on your percentile score plus your performance in gd and pi rounds. Yet the general cut off seen here is above 90 only. Therefore I'd suggest you give CET and try with a higher score. Hope this answers your