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Pallavi Sharma

Contributor-Level 10

Well all the above mentioned Universities are doing good. If you are looking for best University for to pursue higher education, I would advise you to choose best University on the basis of University ranking, placements, infrastructure, facul
0 Follower 395 Views

Mohd Dawood

Beginner-Level 1

No, NDIM is not NAAC approved
0 Follower 13 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Vinay kr Pandey Simple but significant

Scholar-Level 16

In my opinion, go for ISBM Pune. International School of Business and Media (ISBM), Nande, Pune runs a 2 year PGDM course with a total fee of Rs. 8.5 Lacs. According to last year placement report, the average salary offered was around Rs. 5 La
0 Follower 25 Views

heena agrawal try to give best solution..

Scholar-Level 17

Tughlakhabad campus is better thanthe Okhla campus in terms of exposure that a management student needs for his/her overall development.
3 Followers 1.8k Views

Sakshi Sharma

Contributor-Level 8

Dear Anurag, All the above-mentioned Universities are doing well, But if you are looking for the best University in terms of Placements, I will suggest you choose Geeta University, Geeta University comes from the lineage of the Geeta Group of
0 Follower 43 Views

neharika mann

Beginner-Level 5

LPU (Lovely Professional University) and NDIM (New Delhi Institute of Management) are the best Private and Semi-Private institutes respectively in the education sector in India. Talking about the institute information, being alumni of LPU, I w
0 Follower 36 Views

Shivang agarwal

Contributor-Level 9

Yes you can definately get admission in NDIM via Bihar student credit card loan for PGDM.
0 Follower 11 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Mallika Ahuja

Contributor-Level 10

You can check out the following for more information -
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Shiksha Ask & Answer
Susmipriya Gunasekaran

Contributor-Level 7

Yes, you can get it. But you need to invest a lot if you didn't take up the entrance exam.
0 Follower 311 Views

Carrer Supporter

Contributor-Level 8

Placement cell of RIIM PUNE is centralized, where every student is getting equal chance to sit for the placement as the college has 300+ companies on board for the placement drive. A lot of opportunities are available here, and it's all up to