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Atul Mishra

Beginner-Level 1

New Flight has courses such as Certificate which are primarily in the stream of Aviation.
0 Follower 103 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Sushil Srivastava Airport Director, Gulbarga Airport (Kalaburagi)

Contributor-Level 7

Dear Rishabh,
Criteria for getting a ATCOs job in India is that you need to have certificate from CTE Allahabad (Training Institute of AAI). If you hold a RTR license from here, you may handle air traffic in uncontrolled air space or for aerod
1 Follower 62 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Capt Ankur SA Pilot with Air India

Guide-Level 13

After class 10, you can only become a private pilot. You shall get a PPL which shall allow you to fly privately but shall not give you any privileges of flying commercially.
For becoming a commercial pilot, there is a specific eligibility crit
1 Follower 52 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
mahima c

Contributor-Level 6

Hi Tanishq,
For list of colleges offering Flight Instructor, kindly refer the link below:
Kindly filter out the branch / college / location as desired from the above link.
I hope this information helps. Please feel free to rev

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