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Aayush K

Beginner-Level 5

NIELIT Delhi is a constituent center of the National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology (NIELIT), formerly known as the DOEACC Society. It provides a range of computer Science and electronics courses and maintains a positive r
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Aarushi Kalra

Contributor-Level 10

The institute has hosted a wide range of recruiters from diverse sectors. Some of the eminent companies that offered jobs to the students in recent NIELIT placements are mentioned below:NIELIT Delhi Placements: Top RecruitersACCEL Technologies
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Aarushi Kalra

Contributor-Level 10

The placement rate recorded in recent drives has not been disclosed by the institute yet. As per the Shiksha students' reviews, the placement percentage achieved over the past few years was above 90%. Refer to the below table to know the NIELI