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Shiksha Ask & Answer
Group Captain Vinayak Deodhar La vie est faite pour vivre pas pour stresser

Scholar-Level 18

Hello Nishar Ahmed, National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology is a government entity which works under Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology Government of India. It's in fact an autonomous scientific body. It ha
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Saurav Kumar

Beginner-Level 5

The fee for a Certificate course at the National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology (NIELIT) Lucknow varies depending on the specific course. Here are some examples of certificate course fees at NIELIT Lucknow:1- Certificate i
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Pooja Gupta

Contributor-Level 8

NIELIT Lucknow is an esteemed college that offers excellent instruction and training in the domains of information technology and electronics. Those looking for professions in the field are drawn to it because of its strong industry contacts,
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Shiksha Ask & Answer
Subrata Ram

Contributor-Level 8

In the NIELIT Lucknow the Selection Process made through the Cutoff Marks / Percentage Basis . And the whole Process of admission is Only done through the online portal of NIELIT Lucknow . For applying under this Ug Diploma Courses you need mi
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Pooja Gupta

Contributor-Level 8

At the National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology (NIELIT) in Lucknow, community spirit, recreational activities, and academic rigor coexist. The institute creates a lively and interesting environment by providing a wide vari
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Pooja Gupta

Contributor-Level 8

Depending on the study or programme chosen, there are different tuition costs at NIELIT Lucknow. The approximate cost per semester for certificate and Diploma programs is INR 15,000 to INR 50,000, while the approximate cost per semester for po
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Pooja Gupta

Contributor-Level 8

NIELIT Lucknow is a renowned university offering top-notch undergraduate Diploma programs in electronics and information technology. Its industry-aligned curriculum, skilled professors, and stellar placement history make it an attractive desti
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Prakash kumar

Contributor-Level 6

 Both the Colleges is better. We can not say any one college best due to they do their work in respective zone. But Here we can diffentiate on the basis of courses and their fee structure.Courses offered by the National Institute of Elect
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Prakash kumar

Contributor-Level 6

The cut-off for the National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology (NIELIT) in Lucknow can be found on the official website of the institute or on platforms that provide information about college cut-offs such as Shiksha, etc. Th
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Shiksha Ask & Answer
Subrata Ram

Contributor-Level 8

The Eligibility Citeiria for UG Diploma Courses at National Institute of Electronics and information and technologies Lucknow is only to obtained minimum 50% Marks in 12 th Examination . Examinations which are Accepted to get a opportunit