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rohith kola

Guide-Level 14

For mining branch, the on-campus placements are very low, it's less than 30% and even low for the batches I saw. None of my friends from Mining department got placed in the campus and many of them have pointer 8.5+. Later, they got jobs throug
1 Follower 28 Views

Soumya Lokhande

Beginner-Level 4

It depends on the area of job you are seeking for.
Minimum salary offered 4-5 lakh p.a.
0 Follower 40 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Ritik Agiwal Hard worker , learner .

Guide-Level 14

Hello, hope you are doing well. No you are not eligible for NIT in architecture with 35146 rank.
Go for government college you will definitely get one. Else Nirma University, Symbiosis, IPS Indore, CEPT University, MS university are some good c
2 Followers 27 Views

Radhika Pai

Contributor-Level 6

Please compare with the cut-offs of the last year for NITK.
0 Follower 232 Views

Smriti Dabar

Contributor-Level 8

Go for NIT-Warangal, placements are good for ECE students.
0 Follower 95 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Pranjal Arya

Contributor-Level 9

Hey annette,
Please check the link mentioned below
Go and visit this page regarding your queries and
0 Follower 447 Views

Radhika Pai

Contributor-Level 6

This is usually possible for private colleges. I haven't seen such cases as of now. I think, you will have to write JEE Mains and get into first year like anyone else.
0 Follower 31 Views

Radhika Pai

Contributor-Level 6

If you are eligible to get a seat in Electronics and Communications, then I would suggest you take it over Electrical and Electronics in NITK. As EC is a better branch in terms of faculty and placements, then EEE in NITK.
0 Follower 40 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer

Beginner-Level 3

I also had almost same rank as you 1578 (AIR_OBC). I will suggest you to select NITK Surathkal IT. Even CSE at Allahabad is also a very good option if you are from UP. So if you want to stay near to home then go for CSE at NIT Allahabad otherw
0 Follower 33 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Ritik Agiwal Hard worker , learner .

Guide-Level 14

Hope you are doing well. NITK considers category ranking for cutoff marks. For General, the ranking lies between 400 to 1450.
For OBC category, ranking lies between 450 to 1543.
For SC category, ranking lies between 45 to 650.
These all a