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0 Follower 242 Views

Priyum Agrawal

Contributor-Level 10

First of all, I would want to tell you that no college can guarantee you a placement abroad as this is totally dependent on the company decision, vacancy in the job location, projects going on in the location of your choice.
Hands during campu
1 Follower 707 Views

Radhika Pai

Contributor-Level 6

As per my knowledge our college doesn't offer any dual degree courses as of now.
NITK Surathkal doesn't offer dual degrees.
1 Follower 88 Views

Radhika Pai

Contributor-Level 6

NITK Surathkal does not offer dual degree course. Only B.Tech or M.Tech, no dual degree.
0 Follower 74 Views

Radhika Pai

Contributor-Level 6

Usually civil engineering students go for a masters degree or a Ph.D. program. Many of them get admits into various abroad universities. This is the trend I have mostly observed among my seniors. As per my knowledge very few core civil compani
0 Follower 53 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Nithash Majumdar

Contributor-Level 9

To get a rough idea of what the minimum marks could be, kindly have a look on the previous years' opening and closing rank of the college. It will be available on the institute website or you can get in JOSAA website, that manages the seat all
1 Follower 1.6k Views

Sree Vignesh Sundaresan

Scholar-Level 17

No NIT offers a course in aeronautical / aerospace engineering. Only IITs offer this course.
0 Follower 645 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Priyanka Basu Pursuing MBA from School of Management ,NITK

Beginner-Level 5

NITT and NITK both can be considered for B.Tech as they are constantly on the top of the list. You can go through the syllabus of both the colleges and decide.
0 Follower 60 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Lalit choudhary Current Student- DTU, Delhi

Guide-Level 15

Hi there, thanks for a2a.
No, you can't join NIT Surathkal without GATE score for post-graduation courses.
0 Follower 97 Views

Radhika Pai

Contributor-Level 6

Step 1: Write JEE-Mains
Step 2: Apply on the JoSAA portal for college allotment
Step 3: If you don't get through the first round wait for the next.
And if you get through, then report to college and confirm your admission and pay the fees!
PS: Do
0 Follower 115 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Priyanka Basu Pursuing MBA from School of Management ,NITK

Beginner-Level 5

Since I reside in NITK I personally find the hostel and food satisfying! Cannot compare with IIT Madras because I haven't been there yet!