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0 Follower 39 Views

Smriti Dabar

Contributor-Level 8

The topics for GD are general topics and the topics which were very popular for last 1 year.
0 Follower 65 Views

Smriti Dabar

Contributor-Level 8

As such there is no criteria during admission time a normal check up will be done by doctor in the campus itself. They will be measuring your height weight, pulse rate. If you have any health issue please tell them in advance.
0 Follower 115 Views

Smriti Dabar

Contributor-Level 8

For M.Sc, you need to attend IITJAM exam. NIT Warangal takes admission through it only.
For updates regarding M.Sc stay tuned with All the best for your bright future.
0 Follower 87 Views

Smriti Dabar

Contributor-Level 8

Prepare general topics, and the topics which were popular in past one year for GD.
In PI, teachers will try to see your interest towards MBA.Why do you want to do MBA? How would you contribute to department? They will ask you about your extracu
0 Follower 167 Views

Smriti Dabar

Contributor-Level 8

NIT, Warangal fall under Telangana State and not Andhra Pradesh.
1 Follower 196 Views

Smriti Dabar

Contributor-Level 8

Till now GD and PI is not conducted in NIT, Warangal for 2018 batch. Still, if you say so your score is good but percentile is a bit less but if your GD and PI went well and you score well in that. You can surely get through it.
All the best f
0 Follower 48 Views

Smriti Dabar

Contributor-Level 8

For MBA, you will be having industrial visits, case studies, presentation, alumni association is present where you can interact with aluminum, we have Abhiyan club for extracurricular activities and apart from this live projects and small acti
0 Follower 98 Views

Smriti Dabar

Contributor-Level 8

You have 100% chances to get selected. GD is based on general topic and in personal interview they will try to see your interest towards MBA.
0 Follower 83 Views

Smriti Dabar

Contributor-Level 8

The minimum rank to be obtained to get a seat in NIT Warangal for computer science engineering is 1900.
0 Follower 76 Views

Smriti Dabar

Contributor-Level 8

If you are from engineering background you can surely apply to NIT Warangal. The registration forms are available at the college website. Yes, the placement is good.