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0 Follower 73 Views

Sanjana Suresh

Contributor-Level 6

Yes, the new campus in electronic city is under construction. and they are also affiliated to Svyasa College in Jigani.
0 Follower 80 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
A Kaushik English language trainer cum career counselor

Guide-Level 13

Dear Dumbishree, as far as the college is concerned you can directly walk into the campus and get an understanding about the college. Whereas, for studies, I would like to advice you that it is always the scorecard of the student that keeps th
0 Follower 67 Views

Sanjana Suresh

Contributor-Level 6

Hi Anushikha,
Congratulations on being selected. The college is good in terms of academics and in terms of placements, they are pretty good. The average package being 3L. And its definitely a good place to study with reasonable amount of fees a
0 Follower 274 Views

Sanjana Suresh

Contributor-Level 6

Hi Vishnu,
I would not be the right one to tell you which one to choose as it left to your discretion. I can guide you regarding the details you want on NSB. Other colleges, I'm not sure. You can also not compare colleges because they vary in t
0 Follower 41 Views

Sanjana Suresh

Contributor-Level 6

The placements provided are pretty decent. The minimum package offered is 3L and max upto 5L. This mainly depends on the specialization you choose and the kind off companies that come.
0 Follower 179 Views

Vanitha reddy

Beginner-Level 2

NSB is the best business school. We will have a good placements in NSB. There are so many programs and friendly staff and students. And the couching was very good in NSB.
0 Follower 119 Views

Sanjana Suresh

Contributor-Level 6

Answering to your question, I wouldn't use the word worth but studying in NSB definitely gives you the exposure and shapes you into a better individual. We've had students from all the 28 states and each one come with a different backgroun
0 Follower 61 Views

Sanjana Suresh

Contributor-Level 6

Hi Arpitha, for details relating to fees and other curriculum information, kindly get in touch with the college admissions department. They will help you on the same.
0 Follower 94 Views

Sanjana Suresh

Contributor-Level 6

NSB does not have any dual specialization. There is only one specialization that a student can choose out of marketing, HR and finance. This is in terms of the university curriculum only. PGPM is just like an internal and added advantage co
0 Follower 81 Views

Sanjana Suresh

Contributor-Level 6

Hi Snekha,
Congratulations on being selected. Welcome to NSB! You can definitely get in touch with a lot of NSB students on social media platforms like Facebook. We have an NSB page which has students from all the batches. You can always conne