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abheek bhattacharya

Beginner-Level 3

Yes. NSHM has got 100% placement assistance with very promising past records. Marketing being the highest offered jobs with a good annual package Rs.7-8 lacs per annum.
0 Follower 114 Views

abheek bhattacharya

Beginner-Level 3

NSHM knowledge campus has a good reputation for the placements of students in prospective companies. Marketing being the highest offered jobs with a good annual package 7-8 lacs per annum.
0 Follower 274 Views

abheek bhattacharya

Beginner-Level 3

NSHM offers one of the most sought after placements among its contemporaries. Each of our domains has dedicated placement cells, in both the centres. The cells ensure that our students find their best fit so that they can be instrumental in br