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Uttkarsh beriwal

Guide-Level 15

Yes, Panipat Institute of Engineering and Technology (PIET) offers Diploma courses in several engineering specializations. The institute has a separate department for Diploma courses, known as PIET Polytechnic. The Diploma courses offered by P
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Uttkarsh beriwal

Guide-Level 15

Panipat Institute of Engineering and Technology (PIET) is a college in Haryana, India, that offers MBA and PGDM programs in various specializations. As an AI language model, I do not have access to the latest information on the number of seats
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Shiksha Ask & Answer
Aayushi Bijawe

Contributor-Level 10

Calculation: To calculate the CGPA, follow these steps:
Multiply the grade point assigned to each course by the number of credits for that course. Repeat this calculation for all courses taken during a particular period (e. g. , semester or aca
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Shiksha Ask & Answer
Aayushi Bijawe

Contributor-Level 10

Here are some helpful tips to make the most out of your experience:
Get familiar with the campus
Connect with faculty and staff
Engage in student organizations and activities
Manage your time effectively
Take advantage of resources
Actively particip
0 Follower 12 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Aayushi Bijawe

Contributor-Level 10

Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech) in various specializations:
Computer Science and Engineering
Electronics and Communication Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Civil Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Information Technology
Chemical Engineering
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Shiksha Ask & Answer
Aayushi Bijawe

Contributor-Level 10

Typically, for MBA/PGDM admissions, institutes consider various factors such as entrance exam scores (like CAT MAT XAT CMAT etc. ), academic performance, work experience, and personal interviews. The specific rank or score required may depend
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palak mahajan

Contributor-Level 8

Hey Sinran the cutoff for at Kurukshetra University for General Category - 55%
SC category - 50% .
The admission process is completely online so just go for it
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Shiksha Ask & Answer
Satyam Singh solanki

Contributor-Level 7

Of course, you can select agriculture Science. For this, I recommend Chandigarh University. The ranking of Chandigarh University among the top 30 universities in India is where I'd want to start. More than 900 organisations recently arrived, w