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0 Follower 126 Views

Apoorva Mangaonkar

Contributor-Level 10

Hello, the cutoff for GD/PI is about 90 percentile, after which you will be called for GD/PI rounds. Your selection depends on how you perform there.
0 Follower 140 Views

Apoorva Mangaonkar

Contributor-Level 10

Hello, for ILS seats the selection is based on merit. With your score you will get shortlisted for GD/PI as last year cut off was 92 percentile. How you perform in the GD/PI rounds will determine your selection.
0 Follower 389 Views

Apoorva Mangaonkar

Contributor-Level 10

Hello, it doesn't completely depend on your percentile. The majority focus is given on GD/PI rounds.
0 Follower 333 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Navin Kumar Sharma More you know, you know, how less you know.

Guide-Level 11

These institutes don't and can't offer MBA. They offer PGDM in ODL mode.As per UGC notification dtd 25th Dec 2015 WELINGKAR can offer only 35 different programmes in distance mode and SYMBIOSIS can offer only 20 different programmes vide UGC l
0 Follower 278 Views

Apoorva Mangaonkar

Contributor-Level 10

Hello, usually people who are in the waiting list get in the second list, so if you haven't gotten in the waiting list, it will be difficult to get through.
1 Follower 135 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Zubin Mehta Expert Advisor for Senior Management.

Scholar-Level 17

Dear Pratik, You will surely get admission and Dont ever give up, believe in Yourself and God will Give you. Wait Till the last rounds and be excited that you will soon get your MBA Admission for sure. All The best.
0 Follower 43 Views

Apoorva Mangaonkar

Contributor-Level 10

Hello, last year the cut off was 95 rank. Please visit the MAH-CET website for the last three years cut off.
0 Follower 150 Views

Sahil Gajria

Contributor-Level 10

Hi Aamir,
Yes mostly these are paid seats. You got to check more from college admin department to get detailed information.
All the best
0 Follower 187 Views

Apoorva Mangaonkar

Contributor-Level 10

Hello, usually people who are in the waiting list get in the second list, so if you haven't gotten in the waiting list, it will be difficult to get through. You could look for other options.
0 Follower 59 Views

Apoorva Mangaonkar

Contributor-Level 10

Hello, the admissions for PGDM are almost done. Now you can apply through ILS seats only. The average placement is around Rs.7-8 lacs p.a.