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0 Follower 24 Views

Apoorva Mangaonkar

Contributor-Level 10

Hello, the cut off is 80 percentile, so you will get shortlisted for GD/PI after which your selection depends on your performance in GD/PI.
0 Follower 103 Views

Sahil Gajria

Contributor-Level 10

Hi Bhavik,
All the best for GD and PI. Just stick to your basics for PI and you should know everything whatever you have written in your CV. For GD keep yourself updated with the latest news and happenings around the world. Read some case activ
0 Follower 121 Views

Apoorva Mangaonkar

Contributor-Level 10

Hello, the average package is about 7-8 lacs p.a.
0 Follower 118 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Nibedita Panigrahi

Contributor-Level 8

obviously mind.
0 Follower 120 Views

Sahil Gajria

Contributor-Level 10

Hi Vipul,
In Retail and E-biz the company looks at that particular profiles. Average package is around 7 Lacs. Approx 70-80% people get placed.
All the best
0 Follower 86 Views

Apoorva Mangaonkar

Contributor-Level 10

Hello, the cut off is about 75 percentile. So you will get shortlisted for the GD/PI rounds, once shortlisted, your selection depends on how you perform in GD/PI rounds.
0 Follower 93 Views

Sahil Gajria

Contributor-Level 10

Hi Deepali,
At this core PGDM core is difficult,you can expect sunrise courses at this score like retail, rural, e-biz.
Average placement of HR is around 8L.
All the best
1 Follower 1.5k Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Abhishek baya

Beginner-Level 2

Dear Apoorva,
you can use compare institute tool on shiksha to compare NIRMA and WE on various parameters like fee, avg. salary, infra, ranking and you can also connect with current students of both the institutes.
0 Follower 50 Views

Apoorva Mangaonkar

Contributor-Level 10

Hello, yes you will be allowed.
0 Follower 54 Views

Apoorva Mangaonkar

Contributor-Level 10

The schedule is as hectic as any other b-school. The timings are from 9-6 on most days. The studying happens in college itself. So there is not much time for self study needed.