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0 Follower 128 Views

Apoorva Mangaonkar

Contributor-Level 10

Hello, the cut off is about 75-80 percentile , so you will get a call. The interviews will mostly happen in the Mumbai campus. The p3 test results don't influence the chance of getting a call.
0 Follower 50 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Rushabh Sheth

Guide-Level 12

Min package would be 3 lakhs pa
Average would be 5 lakhs for fresher
And maximum can go upto 8 lakhs for fresher
welingkar gets good placements and their students are even better trained so good chances of getting higher packages
0 Follower 69 Views

Apoorva Mangaonkar

Contributor-Level 10

Hello, the cut off is around 80 percentile, so you will get an interview call. Your selection will depend on your performance in the same .
0 Follower 57 Views

Apoorva Mangaonkar

Contributor-Level 10

Hello, your selection for the GD/PI is mostly based on your profile and score. The result of p3 test is not that big deciding factor for GD/PI.
0 Follower 49 Views

Apoorva Mangaonkar

Contributor-Level 10

Hello, the shortlist is not out yet.
1 Follower 219 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Shaurya Singh

Guide-Level 13

You have decent chances of getting a GDPI call from Welingkar as their cutoff is around 80 to 85%ile
0 Follower 82 Views

Apoorva Mangaonkar

Contributor-Level 10

Hello, you have a good profile. The cut off is usually 80 percentile, so you will definitely get a call. After which your selection will majorly depend upon your performance in gd pi.
0 Follower 799 Views

sahit korgaonker

Contributor-Level 10

I'd say XIME. Idont know much about Welingkar but I think XIME has better ranking compared tto WElingkar
1 Follower 108 Views

Apoorva Mangaonkar

Contributor-Level 10

The college has a very competent faculty for finance with a good mix of core and visiting faculty. The placements are good with average package being about 7-8 lacs p.a. A lot of banks like axis, ICICI, HDFC, DCB, IndusInd etc and finan
0 Follower 94 Views

Apoorva Mangaonkar

Contributor-Level 10

Hello, P3 test checks your thought process and your approach to various situations. It is a preliminary test before the GD/PI rounds. Your performance will be judged along with your profile to give you a call for GD/PI or not.