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0 Follower 109 Views

Apoorva Mangaonkar

Contributor-Level 10

Hello, the last date of filing the form was 31st March. So you won't be able to apply for it.
0 Follower 244 Views

Mehul Kadam

Contributor-Level 8

Hi Jasleen. The usual cut off is between 80 - 85 percentile. So if you've a score for any exam (CMAT, MH CET, etc) between that range, I would suggest you use that score to apply for the college.
1 Follower 143 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Govind Sharma HR, startup entrepreneurs, career blogger

Guide-Level 14

you may not get call for MMS but you may get call for its PGDM programme.
0 Follower 43 Views

Apoorva Mangaonkar

Contributor-Level 10

Last year cut off for open seat in the last round was 96.17 percentile.
0 Follower 125 Views

Sahil Gajria

Contributor-Level 10

Hi Nikhil,
You have a good score but it would be difficult to get PGDM core in Mumbai. You can get admission in sunrise courses like E-biz, Rural, Retail and Healthcare. You can get a call for GD and PI.
All the best
0 Follower 69 Views

Apoorva Mangaonkar

Contributor-Level 10

Hello, the cut off is usually 75 percentile, so there is a low chance you will get through.
0 Follower 123 Views

Apoorva Mangaonkar

Contributor-Level 10

Hello, the cut off is 80-85 percentile, so there is a very good chance that you will get a call for GD/PI.
0 Follower 100 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Akash Debnath

Contributor-Level 10

31st March was last date.
0 Follower 1.4k Views

Mehul Kadam

Contributor-Level 8

Placement wise, generally Marketing has the best placement. However, I would suggest that you pursue your area of interest. All the specializations are good in Welingkar.
0 Follower 800 Views

Mehul Kadam

Contributor-Level 8

The institute does not have any tie ups as such, but most of the banks are acceptable and provide loans. You'll have to approach the bank from outside, but that shouldn't be an issue. If you've good academic record, you should get 100% loan. I