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2 Followers 92 Views

Apoorva Mangaonkar

Contributor-Level 10

Hello, the cut off is 80-85 percentile. so there is a good chance that you will get a call, after which your selection will depend upon your performance in GD/PI.
1 Follower 346 Views

Anshika Garg

Contributor-Level 10

Both colleges are good in its way. If we talk of placement welingar has average package of around 7.5 lpa while Bimtech has average package of 6.5 -7 lpa. Both college have close to 100% placement.
0 Follower 103 Views

Mehul Kadam

Contributor-Level 8

There is no official cut off as such. But generally, it's in between 80 - 85 percentile.
0 Follower 68 Views

Apoorva Mangaonkar

Contributor-Level 10

Hello, the cut off is about 80 percentile so there is a good chance that you will get a call for GD/PI.
0 Follower 77 Views

Apoorva Mangaonkar

Contributor-Level 10

Hello, the cut off is 80-85 percentile, so you will clear the cut off, after which your selection will depend on your performance in gd pi rounds. The campus allotment will be on your performance and overall profile.
0 Follower 61 Views

Mehul Kadam

Contributor-Level 8

You've a good academic record. The usual cutoff is between 80 - 85 percentile. So, you have a decent chance of getting selected for the next round. Good luck.
0 Follower 72 Views

Mehul Kadam

Contributor-Level 8

The minimum eligibility criteria is 50% and above, through out (10th, 12th, graduation average).
The general cut off is between 80 - 85 percentile in the entrances. Hope that answers your query. Goodluck.
0 Follower 131 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Rushabh Sheth

Guide-Level 12

Welingkar has 99percentile cut off for open category in mms
And pgdm it requires 90 percentile so I dont think there is chance
There are institute level quota in mms but I think even those are difficult to get since there are too many rushing to
0 Follower 108 Views

Mehul Kadam

Contributor-Level 8

The general cut off is between 80 - 85 percentile. I would suggest that you use score for other exams (MH CET, CMAT, etc) in which you've better score. If you don't, you can still apply with this score, and keep your options open for other PGD
0 Follower 96 Views

Mehul Kadam

Contributor-Level 8

The general cut off is between 80 - 85 percentile. So yes, you have a decent chance of getting selected for the next round. Goodluck and keep checking the Welingkar website.