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0 Follower 15 Views


Beginner-Level 3

Yes, there is a chance that you got this. I scored 99.09 in 2020 and I got Welingkar Mumbai through ILS, also one of my friend got admission in 98.7 approximately, it all depends on how many seats are vacant during cap round.
0 Follower 6 Views

Shivang agarwal

Contributor-Level 9

You can go with 1st option.
0 Follower 288 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Dharamveer Dheer Educator at University

Scholar-Level 18

Pursuing a PGDM program is a excellent option to consider for aspirants seeking higher education. PGDM programs have a wide range of specializations to choose from. This allows students to choose a niche that is most aligned with their interes
0 Follower 204 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Abhishek Desai

Scholar-Level 17

Hello,Yes, even freshers can apply for the full-time PGDM and MMS programs of Welingkar Mumbai campus and get selected every year. There is no restriction on the work experience factor. Good luck.
0 Follower 9 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Abhishek Desai

Scholar-Level 17

Hello! Narsee Monjee (NMIMS) is any day better than Welingkar due to its higher brand value, good ROI, better placements, and richer corporate exposure.
0 Follower 82 Views

Vishal Gupta

Beginner-Level 3

No, you need to have at least an experience of 1.5 years.
0 Follower 9 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Abhishek Desai

Scholar-Level 17

Hello! PGDM courses (usually PGM Core, e-Business, RBA) have better placements than the MMS course, though the difference isn't too huge. Eventually, it all comes down to one's overall profile, calibre, and some luck to get a good job offer.
0 Follower 4 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Abhishek Desai

Scholar-Level 17

Hello! Both are at par; not much of a difference really. Though in terms of pure brand value, the Hyderabad campus ranks slightly higher since it is the flagship B-school of the IBS.
1 Follower 992 Views

Hrishabh Sahu Live ambitious Life...

Contributor-Level 10

Hey needeemjust go through this link and fill out the required details
College predictor in shiksha
4 Followers 413 Views

Hrishabh Sahu Live ambitious Life...

Contributor-Level 10

Hey aayusijust go through this link and fill out the required details
College predictor in shiksha