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0 Follower 140 Views

Bazil Aga

Contributor-Level 10

It was March 31, 2017 for 2017-19 batch.
0 Follower 102 Views

Bazil Aga

Contributor-Level 10

It was March 31, 2017.
0 Follower 363 Views

Bazil Aga

Contributor-Level 10

Something around 85-90 %ile is good for PGDM and 98.2 is good for MMS.
0 Follower 330 Views

Bazil Aga

Contributor-Level 10

Average for operations is Rs 6.5 lakh per annum.Welingkar is fairly good for operations. However, don't keep high expectations from Welingkar operations in terms of placement.
0 Follower 649 Views

Abhijeet Bhagwat

Contributor-Level 9

WE School is the best college among all of these colleges. You can actually use the compare feature in Shiksha itself to check it yourself.
1 Follower 98 Views

Abhijeet Bhagwat

Contributor-Level 9

You can get it through Institute Level Seats. Visit the office of Weschool for the process regarding the same.
0 Follower 107 Views

Abhijeet Bhagwat

Contributor-Level 9

Not really it doesn't have to be related to coding. Business Analysts, Consultants, CIOs, Digital Media/Mktg, Banking/Finance, E-com, Logistics, HR are some of the roles. This course will give you that digital edge over others which is current
0 Follower 112 Views

Bazil Aga

Contributor-Level 10

Yes, apply to both campuses and to all the courses.
0 Follower 408 Views

Sumit Todi

Contributor-Level 9

The cut-offs are usually above 99 percentile.
0 Follower 81 Views

Bazil Aga

Contributor-Level 10

Both are pretty decent. MMS and PGDM sit together for placements.