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0 Follower 13 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Satyam Goyal

Beginner-Level 5

Refer to this link:
0 Follower 939 Views

Abubakr Syed

Beginner-Level 3

70% seats in any college are filled through EAMCET in Telangana, you can still try to personally reach the respective college for admissions.
0 Follower 42 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Satyam Goyal

Beginner-Level 5

They will ask you in the form when you apply, but if you have already submitted the form then you should try contacting the SRM office to resolve this issue.
1 Follower 25 Views

heena agrawal try to give best solution..

Scholar-Level 17

Hi. Kindly visit the link.
0 Follower 38 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
anup kumar Paasionate enthusiasts and hard smart working

Contributor-Level 7

You can go through colleges, which are providing seats in this branch.
And, check the eligibility whether Diploma holder is allowed or not.

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