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0 Follower 120 Views

Sree Vignesh Sundaresan

Scholar-Level 17

Hello Vijay,
The admission also depends on your caste. With this cut-off, if you belong to SC or SCA only then you can get a seat. If you belong to the OC or BC category then you cannot get a seat with this cut-off.
For the previous year cut-of
0 Follower 152 Views

Sree Vignesh Sundaresan

Scholar-Level 17

Hello Ria,
The management quota seats are purely dependent on the admin of the institute. So, you may contact the admin for more details.
For that too, they will see your cut off marks but they will not be as high as for government quota.
The f
1 Follower 117 Views

Sree Vignesh Sundaresan

Scholar-Level 17

Hello Vishnu!
You can get admission into PSG tech Coimbatore by management quota if you don't want to come under counselling. You need to clear an entrance exam if any and your fee structure will be too high as compared to those who come under
0 Follower 53 Views

Vikash Jain

Guide-Level 14

Check out the link below for detailed information and also go through reviews:
0 Follower 63 Views

Sree Vignesh Sundaresan

Scholar-Level 17

Hello Akon,
As per last year's cut-off marks, that is as per 2016, the cut-off for any B.Tech programme at PSG-Coimbatore was 198 and above except for robotics and automation course as it was just 196 (all these for general category).
So, if yo
0 Follower 193 Views

Sree Vignesh Sundaresan

Scholar-Level 17

Hello Aswath,
You have a good cut-off so that you have medium chances of getting PSG Tech and low chances of getting Anna University CEG Campus. So you may try during the counselling. You can probably get the counselling on the first day with t
0 Follower 149 Views

Sree Vignesh Sundaresan

Scholar-Level 17

The admission into PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore is based on the single window counselling under Anna University.
It also depends on your caste and the cut off marks. I think you cannot get PSG as your cut off is low. If you mention yo
0 Follower 252 Views

Sree Vignesh Sundaresan

Scholar-Level 17

The link below gives you the cut off marks for all the courses offered at PSG caste wise:
0 Follower 882 Views

Sree Vignesh Sundaresan

Scholar-Level 17

Hello Aswath,
You really have a good cut off. You can easily get a seat at Sastra University and also PSG Coimbatore. If you belong to general (OC) category, then you have less chances to get your desired course in PSG. If you belong to some ot
1 Follower 202 Views

Sree Vignesh Sundaresan

Scholar-Level 17

Hello Sharmila,
PSG-Coimbatore is a highly reputed institution where all the courses will be worthy to study. But it also depends on your interest. Your choice of robotics and automation is really good as in the future, it will be having a good