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0 Follower 825 Views

Carrer Supporter

Contributor-Level 8

Ramachandran International Institute of Management, Pune (RIIM) is India's first corporate-sponsored Business School. The school with strong support from the Indian industry has grown into one of the most prestigious business schools in the co
0 Follower 611 Views

Aastha J

Beginner-Level 5

As per placement point of view i would suggest you location wise to go to Pune location because its a corporate hub of India, Also because of other main aspects like Safety, Weather, Opportunities, Lifestyle, Budget etc. Everything is just s
0 Follower 174 Views

Aastha J

Beginner-Level 5

This is a very tricky question to answer. Also, a term Successful Result is subjective.
I mean to say success positive result varies from person to person. Its upto you how you look at it.
I will share my personal experience with you.I have seen
0 Follower 153 Views

Aastha J

Beginner-Level 5

Hello Sambarta, I genuinely feel these are average names. I came across RIIM Pune while my search operation for good colleges for my cousin. Returns on investments, Curriculum, Faculty, certification and importantly Placement is more than just
1 Follower 26 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
pradeep kumar Sr. Section Engr(Design)

Scholar-Level 18

The following test scores are acceptable in PIBM Pune for MBA and PGDM programmes.
1. CAT
2. MAT
3. XAT
6. PMAT (PIBM Aptitude test). .
1 Follower 1.4k Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Puneet Singh Alumni at LPU Jalandhar

Scholar-Level 17

Dear Akanksha, I have no idea about PIBM and NDIM but I can tell you about LPU where I completed my an MBA degree. LPU is spread over 600 acres of campus having 30000+ students and 3500+ faculty and staff. Many students come across the world w
2 Followers 326 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Sharmila Salvi PGDM Marketing

Beginner-Level 4

I'm not aware of other institutes but can shed some light on MBA Finance in ITM Business School, Navi Mumbai. The course equips students with the knowledge and implementation of financial skills suitable for the finance industry thanks to ITM'
0 Follower 18 Views

heena agrawal try to give best solution..

Scholar-Level 17

Kindly visit the link.
0 Follower 326 Views

Nikhil Pawar

Contributor-Level 9

According to my opinion and being a student of PIBM, PIBM is one of the best institute that provides one of the best Business management Programs in the country. PIBM not only provides theoretical knowledge about the subject matter but also pr
0 Follower 21 Views

Nikhil Pawar

Contributor-Level 9

PIBM is one of the best B-School in India that offers MBA & PGDM full time highly valuable PG programme. PIBM has an amazing HR Analytics that helps students to solve the workforce related problems. PIBM has a amazing HR department that trains