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0 Follower 104 Views

Bhairavi Mohite

Contributor-Level 9

I am not sure about other B-schools but PIBM is a good college. Many of my friends have done an MBA/PGDM from PIBM. They follow practical methods for learning. The curriculum consists of Corporate Interaction, Dual Internships, Live business p
0 Follower 22 Views

Nikhil Pawar

Contributor-Level 9

PIBM is one of the best B-school that provides highly valuable Digital Marketing course with the industry aligned curriculum. Digital marketing is one of the most important source to reach to the wider audience and to achieve the goal faster.
0 Follower 304 Views

Ravi Kumar

Beginner-Level 5

Hi, obviously you will choose Jaipuria Institute of Management Lucknow over other options. Jaipuria is ranked way higher than PIBM and KIAHMS in NIRF ranking by the ministry of HRD. And considering the factors like scholarship opportunities, f
0 Follower 168 Views

tirna dam

Contributor-Level 9

I am not aware of other colleges and about their training pedagogies but as an ex- student of Pune Institute of Business Management (PIBM) therefore I can share my personal experience regarding the college. If you want excellent academics and
0 Follower 430 Views

tirna dam

Contributor-Level 9

I am not aware of other colleges and about their training pedagogies but as an ex- student of Pune Institute of Business Management (PIBM) therefore I can share my personal experience regarding the college. If you want excellent academics and
0 Follower 127 Views

Bhairavi Mohite

Contributor-Level 9

For MBA, the fee at PIBM is 7.95 lacs.
0 Follower 72 Views

Bhairavi Mohite

Contributor-Level 9

At PIBM the fee for MBA and PGDM is 7.95 LPA.
0 Follower 75 Views

Nikhil Pawar

Contributor-Level 9

PIBM is one of the best B-School in India. PIBM Pune is NAAC accredited college and ranked amongst the top 100 B-School in India by NIRF. PIBM ranked 32nd in the Top B-School in India by Times B-School survey 2021. PIBM Provides both MBA & PGD
0 Follower 190 Views

Ravi Kumar

Beginner-Level 5

Well, I believe that among the names you have mentioned; Jaipuria Institute of Management would be the best choice for you due to its high NIRF ranking and NBA scores, faculty expertise and friendliness, benefits of course curriculum, over all
0 Follower 626 Views

Nikhil Pawar

Contributor-Level 9

Both the colleges at good at their ends but PIBM is one of the top colleges for post graduation in India. PIBM Pune is NAAC accredited college and ranked amongst the top 100 B-School in India by NIRF. PIBM ranked 32nd in the Top B-School in In