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0 Follower 82 Views

Kundan Yadav

Contributor-Level 9

PIBM is the best choice for pursuing PGDM in Pune. PIBM Pune is NAAC accredited college and ranked amongst the top 100 B-School in India by NIRF. PIBM ranked 32nd in the Top B-School in India by Times B-School survey 2021. PIBM Pune offers 2-y
1 Follower 53 Views

Kundan Yadav

Contributor-Level 9

PIBM does not have any provisions for the scholarships. but PIBM gives you best ROI PIBM for your monetary investment in MBA/PGDM by providing best placements in top companies with top profiles. PIBM has a strong corporate interface and every
1 Follower 171 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Abhishek Desai

Scholar-Level 17

Trinity doesn't rank even under the top 5 MBA colleges in Pune. Avoid it and aim for the much better ones such as SIBM, SCMHRD, SIIB, PIBM, and Pumba.
0 Follower 453 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Aditi Kataria

Contributor-Level 8

Dear Habila,
PIBM has not shared any information related to scholarships or concessions on their official admissions page.
I hope you will find this information useful.
All the best for your future endeavours.
0 Follower 506 Views

Anuradha Gopala

Contributor-Level 10

It depends on the discretion of the college. You need to check with the detailed admission procedure and do a thorough study about it.
0 Follower 50 Views

Manik Bhatnagar

Guide-Level 14

Hi Saif,
Pune Institute of Business Management (PIBM) offers specialization in:
1. Marketing
2. Finance
3. Human Resources
4. IT
0 Follower 118 Views

Manoj Kumar Sharma

Contributor-Level 7

Thanks for your query. IMS, Ghaziabad offers PGDM AICTE, NBA, NAAC is equivalent to MBA as per AIU). IMS, Ghaziabad offers International Study Tour, Complimentary Laptop, Value Added Certification Programs (for Employability Skills Enhancement
0 Follower 118 Views

stuti upadhyay

Contributor-Level 6

As I can see that, your scores are good. I don't think you need to drop a year. Did you appear for any entrance exam?
0 Follower 65 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Abhishek Desai

Scholar-Level 17

Unfortunately, PIBM doesn't accept CET score, whereas, the MAT cut-off is 70 percentile. So, no admission possible via these scores. I would suggest you reappear for these and/or other exams and try getting a much better score.
Good luck