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Angelica Adhikary

Contributor-Level 10

B.Tech in Computer Science Engineering is available at both Monad University and Raj Kumar Goel Engineering College (RKGIT). Monad University charges INR 1.51 Lacs for the first year, while RKGIT charges INR 1.35 Lacs for the first year and IN
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Angelica Adhikary

Contributor-Level 10

The average tuition at Monad University for various programs such as MBA, B.Sc, Diploma, Bachelor of Engineering, BTech, and LLB ranges from $10,500 to $5,28,000. Raj Kumar Goel Engineering College, on the other hand, charges between 1.1 Lacs
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Angelica Adhikary

Contributor-Level 10

Both Monad University and Raj Kumar Goel Engineering College offer two-year MBA programs. The School of Management and Business Studies at Monad University offers a marketing-focused programme for a fee of Rs.1.22 lakh. While some claim that t
0 Follower 186 Views

Deepak suman

Contributor-Level 9

Hello dear, you can refer to this page for more information
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Shiksha Ask & Answer

Guide-Level 15

Selection of the institute is the most the toughest task now-a-days. Engineering programmes are the heart of any institution and so is of LPU. I recalled last year my cousin was to pursue her B.Tech and we inquired from LPU and came to know th
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Shiksha Ask & Answer
Group Captain Vinayak Deodhar La vie est faite pour vivre pas pour stresser

Scholar-Level 18

Hello Shivam, I feel that your rank is a bit on the lower side. With this rank I feel that you have very slim chances of getting CS branch. However to help you I am attaching a link that will predict college for you.
0 Follower 120 Views

Ajoy Ghosh Architect

Guide-Level 11

Now, you can easily found which college is best for you. Here is the link-
Use this link for college comparison only.
All the best!
0 Follower 58 Views

rohith kola

Guide-Level 14

RDEC is a poor college in terms of faculty and the college life as there is more than disciplined environment and most of the time, it is just useless, you can't enhance your yourself as they push yourself to do what they want from you and red
0 Follower 229 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
anuj singh

Contributor-Level 6

no! now you are out of any further round of counselling. you are nit able to attend next counselling.
0 Follower 101 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
risheik dhir

Contributor-Level 6

you can do choice filling in 2nd round of counselling and also can contact upsee for solving Your problem