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0 Follower 11 Views

Ashutosh kumar

Beginner-Level 5

There are 13 PG programs offered under the M.Tech category and 17 programs under the Research programs. M.Tech has the following programs under its banner:-
1)Structural Engineering
2)Manufacturing Science & Engineering
3)Computer Integrated Manu
0 Follower 11 Views

Ashutosh kumar

Beginner-Level 5

Ramaiah Institute of Technology offers a wide variety of courses such as Engineering, Architecture, MCA Law, Management and Business Administrations, Sciences, Arts etc. Depending upon your field of study, The individual course structure, dura
0 Follower 23 Views

Ashutosh kumar

Beginner-Level 5

The top courses offered at Ramaiah Institute of Technology are as follows:-
1)B.E. In Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)
2)B.E in Information Science and Engineering (ISE)
4)B.E. Architecture
5)B.E in CSE (AI&ML, Cyber Security, AI&this)
0 Follower 63 Views

Ashutosh kumar

Beginner-Level 5

Earlier, you would not have to worry much as there were 3 internals out of which 2 best were considered. But now with the onset of the new system, which has two internals and the average of both is taken, you are bound to lose out on few marks
0 Follower 9 Views

Ashutosh kumar

Beginner-Level 5

The overall number of all the courses varies greatly. But in the Computer Science Department, there are a total of 17 Assistant professors and 11 Associate professors. For the complete department wise list, you can refer to the official websit
0 Follower 21 Views

Ashutosh kumar

Beginner-Level 5

Yes, RIT has signed various MOUs with a lot of companies in a wide array of industries. A few examples are NVIDIA, SAP, IBM, HP, and Mitsubishi. As for international collaborations, there is not a lot of data available. There are international
0 Follower 14 Views

Ashutosh kumar

Beginner-Level 5

There are a overall of 13 specializations of M.Tech to choose from in the Ramaiah Institute of Technology. The following courses are available:
1)Structural Engineering
2)Manufacturing Science & Engineering
3)Computer Integrated Manufacturing
0 Follower 12 Views

Ashutosh kumar

Beginner-Level 5

Well to start out, explore. The freshman year brings a lot of exposure and opportunities not only in academics but also in a wide array of other interests. You can join the club of your interest to find out and nurture your hidden personality.
0 Follower 219 Views

Siddhartha Arya

Beginner-Level 5

Hello,12th exam percentage is required but the cutoff is not very high for that it will be around 40-60% also you need to take entrance exam for some of the courses, it varies college to college.
0 Follower 17 Views

Excellency admissions

Beginner-Level 3

Eligibility criteria:
50% in graduation. Must attend entrance exams like MAT, CMAT or KMAT.
Give personal interview
Payment of fees
But presently seats are full for MCA.