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0 Follower 70 Views

0 Follower 82 Views

Anu Amruth BE mech. Advises WC on higher education(MBA).

Contributor-Level 7

Avg. Is 3-3.5lpa.companies are Abb, l&t. Tce
0 Follower 417 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Dr Suresh Babu Cheelapogu Sr.Consultant - Management

Scholar-Level 16

Dear anu . if you get MSRIT seat that would be nice. MSRIT is doing well and getting good salary packages. all the best.
0 Follower 392 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
saksham goyal

Beginner-Level 4

ise in msrit will give u more oppurtunities than pesit south campus
0 Follower 127 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Dr Suresh Babu Cheelapogu Sr.Consultant - Management

Scholar-Level 16

Dear Satyajit, pay package is average 4.5 l per annum. further tuition fee is around 60000 since it is under VTU hostel fee normally around 80000. But all the students would stay in PGs. Therefore, you can take decision accordingly. All the be
0 Follower 178 Views

0 Follower 46 Views

sakshi mishra

Contributor-Level 7

Hello!For getting a good college in Bangalore you need to write comedk uget exam and then fill up counselling form to get a seat.
1 Follower 275 Views

Anu Amruth BE mech. Advises WC on higher education(MBA).

Contributor-Level 7

No, you need to get higher marks.
0 Follower 219 Views

Udipta Ghosh

Beginner-Level 2

Don't change stream.Always focus in stream not college. Opt for cse/Eve if u are technical aspirant and not civil if u hd no plans previously about it. College matters 30% in future but stream matters Your whole life job.
0 Follower 95 Views

sakshi mishra

Contributor-Level 7

Hello! If you want a good college in Bangalore then you must have written COMEDK UGET. After that you can fill up counseling form and wait for a seat. Also,I would like to provide you name of some colleges with good placement.-M.S. Ramaiah, BM