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0 Follower 511 Views

sakshi mishra

Contributor-Level 7

Hello harshith!
Fee structure is nearly 10 lakh for CSE.
0 Follower 109 Views

sakshi mishra

Contributor-Level 7

Hello sarika!
Fee structure is nearly 1.60 lakh per year .
0 Follower 147 Views

sakshi mishra

Contributor-Level 7

Hostel facilities are quite good in M.S. Ramaiah college.You will have lot of accommodations options available near college.
0 Follower 672 Views

Aditya Hosangadi

Beginner-Level 4

In my opinion, MSRIT is by far the best among the above in terms of job placements and project opportunities. However, a great deal depends on your choice of branch.
0 Follower 78 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Educator Councellor

Contributor-Level 9

for management quota admission in MSRIT contact 9035315365
0 Follower 390 Views

Aditya Hosangadi

Beginner-Level 4

That depends on which entrance exam you choose to write. For both KCET and COMED-K, you would need a rank of about 1000-1300 to get in through the first round. However, if you are lucky, you can get in through the second round with a rank of a
0 Follower 48 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
abhishek kumar Singh worked at senior design project manager inTCS

Guide-Level 11

Best ever market
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Do visit shiksha again.
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0 Follower 63 Views

sakshi mishra

Contributor-Level 7

No you cannot get seat in M.S. Ramaiah for ECE branch. If paying extra fees means management quota,then yes.
0 Follower 461 Views

Aditya Hosangadi

Beginner-Level 4

That depends on your perspective. In terms of job opportunities and chances for higher studies, it surely is, in my opinion. However, if you getting into one of the NITs or IITs, don't back out.
The faculty is excellent, especially in the Mecha