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Biswajit Mandal

Contributor-Level 7

Please mantion the course or collage/university.
0 Follower 15 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Bhaskar Raj

Beginner-Level 5

The College Cut-off is the minimum mark prescribed by the selection board for the admission of students. A merit list will be designed on these Cutoff scores. Aspirants who apply for the Institute need to clear the Cutoff for various courses.
0 Follower 6 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Group Captain Vinayak Deodhar La vie est faite pour vivre pas pour stresser

Scholar-Level 18

Hello, Shri Baba Ramdev college if engineering accepts students for admission based on ranking in MHT CET. Ranking in JEE Mains will not help. Okay? You need to study well and prepare for this exam if you intend seeking admission here. Best wi
0 Follower 145 Views

tarun mittal

Contributor-Level 10

Yes because Dr. D. Y. Patil Pimpri is the best among two. A college is best if it helps students to grow. Dr. D. Y. Patil institute of technology pimpri Pune is a place where you will get great, caring and at the same time sincere and helpful
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Shiksha Ask & Answer
Deeksha Dixit

Contributor-Level 10

Yes, with your percentile, you can get admission to Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering and Management. Considering you are from the general category, you can get admission to the following branches of BE courses:
1. Electrical Engineering
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Shiksha Ask & Answer
Ishan Aditya

Contributor-Level 10

Hey Aishwary,
Kindly specify your Category so I can give you the right answer.
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deepika maurya

Guide-Level 15

No, you can not get admission to Shri Ramdeobaba College Of Engineering And Management, Nagpur with 61.05 percentile in JEE Mains. Because last year's cutoff of RCOEM was
For BE (Information Technology)- 1859
For BE Computer Science and Enginee
0 Follower 37 Views

deepak mamgai

Beginner-Level 2

85% is not enough to get admission, if you are a general category student, you should try again and give the upcoming CAT exam there you can score at least 96-98 percentile to get admission in a good college.
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Garima Batra

Contributor-Level 6

Hi Jinal
You can refer to this link-
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Arshiya Singh

Scholar-Level 16

I am not much aware of the MBA programme at Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering and Management and Indira Global Business School.
But being an alumnus of LPU, I highly recommend LPU for an MBA degree keeping in mind the following points