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Atul Mishra

Beginner-Level 1

Rizvi College of Architecture is a well-known institution for M.Arch, B.Arch courses. These programs are delivered by highly experienced faculty. As per Shiksha verified reviews, Rizvi College of Architecture has a rating of 3.6 on the basis o
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Atul Mishra

Beginner-Level 1

The overall seats available across all courses offered by Rizvi College of Architecture is up to 120. Good thing to know is that Rizvi College of Architecture has courses which are approved by prominent Government bodies like CoA.
0 Follower 15 Views

Shon Gaikwad

Beginner-Level 5

NATA is must for admission in architecture college or else try for other alternative entrance exam for architecture.
3 Followers 1.7k Views

Riya Sharma

Contributor-Level 9

There are many structured schools in India. Some of them are as follows:-
1. IIT Roorkee Indian Institute of Technology
2. IIT Kharagpur - Indian Institute of Technology
3. NIT Calicut - Indian Institute of Technology
4. SPA Delhi - School of Plan
0 Follower 117 Views

Rachitagarwal cmd

Beginner-Level 4

Chandigarh University is the best university in the region for Architecture.
Architecture is the study, design, and construction of buildings and other physical structures. Architects produce plans and designs for the construction and maintenan
0 Follower 62 Views

Harsh Yadav

Beginner-Level 5

I would suggest Chandigarh University because it offers a CUCET exam by which you can get a scholarship of up to 100% and it also gives scholarship on the basis of your JEE Main score. A five-year, full-time undergraduate programme leading to
0 Follower 106 Views


Contributor-Level 6

Architecture is the art and Science of building design that develop the concepts for structures and turn those concepts into reality. Architecture often includes imagination; the ability to order ideas and communicate them clearly; a keen inte
0 Follower 41 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
pradeep kumar Sr. Section Engr(Design)

Scholar-Level 18

Yes Rizvi College of Architecture accepts NATA or JEE Main Paper-2 scores for B.Arch admission. So you can get here the admission. Please see General FAQ for 1st Year B. Arch Admissions 2020-21 of RCA.
0 Follower 64 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer

Guide-Level 15

Just go through this link and fill out the required details
College predictor in Shiksha
0 Follower 458 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
ABHISHEK K If you do not go to the end, why to start?

Scholar-Level 17

Top 10 Private Institutes The curriculum covers a wide range of subjects from operating systems web development, programming languages, to data structures, computer networks along with value-added certifications To help you make the most of th