a year ago
What is the eligibility to get admission in Rizvi College of Hotel Management for UG/PG courses?
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Atul MishraCurrent Student
Beginner-Level 1
Rizvi College of Hotel Management has below criteria for taking admissions to it's various courses: CoursesEligibilityB.Sc.Candidate must have passed 10+2 examinations in any stream.
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Atul MishraCurrent Student
Beginner-Level 1
Rizvi College of Hotel Management is a reputed institute for B.Sc. Students can opt these programs to pursue their career in Hospitality & Travel. Institute has trained & experienced faculty who deliver these programs. Rizvi College of Hotel M
Rizvi College of Hotel Management is a reputed institute for B.Sc. Students can opt these programs to pursue their career in Hospitality & Travel. Institute has trained & experienced faculty who deliver these programs. Rizvi College of Hotel Management has a review rating of 4.4 on the basis of reviews by students. In addition to this, it has been rated 4.5 on campuslife, 4.4 on placements, 4.4 on faculty and 4.4 on Infrastructure.
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Atul MishraCurrent Student
Beginner-Level 1
Rizvi College of Hotel Management has been rated 4.4 on placements.
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Atul MishraCurrent Student
Beginner-Level 1
Rizvi College of Hotel Management has been rated 4.4 for faculty as per reviews by students. This represents that Institute has decent, qualified and experienced faculty members.
a year ago
Who are the top recruiters from Rizvi College of Hotel Management when it comes to placements?
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Atul MishraCurrent Student
Beginner-Level 1
Rizvi College of Hotel Management has placed its selected students in known and reputed companies such as Seenivasan P, Rahat Mahila Gramin Sahakari Path Sanstha Marya Butibori, Kogentix, Srm University Ncr Campus Modinagar, Akash Textiles, Mi
Rizvi College of Hotel Management has placed its selected students in known and reputed companies such as Seenivasan P, Rahat Mahila Gramin Sahakari Path Sanstha Marya Butibori, Kogentix, Srm University Ncr Campus Modinagar, Akash Textiles, Mits School Of Engineeringbhubaneswar, R Arora & Associates, Mbdskss ( Ma Bhagwati Devi Samaj Kalyan Siksha Samiti ), Jai Bhavani Mata Engitch Pvt Ltd, Animal Breeding Research Organisation, Knowcraft Analytics Private Limited, Angel Inter College Pbh, Happily Unmarried, Jrk Stock Broking Pvt Ltd, Bottle Lab Technology Pvt Ltd (Smartq), Accrete Consulting Engineers Pvt Ltd, Amit Metalicks Group, Webmatrix Infosol.
a year ago
How many seats are available for various courses offered at Rizvi College of Hotel Management?
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Atul MishraCurrent Student
Beginner-Level 1
Rizvi College of Hotel Management offers Degree courses including 2 UG course. These programs are offerred in Full Time mode. Seats intake availability for these courses at Rizvi College of Hotel Management goes up to 300.
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Atul MishraCurrent Student
Beginner-Level 1
Rizvi College of Hotel Management has been rated 4.4 on Infrastructure parameter.
Institute has a well supported campus with facilities such as Cafeteria, Labs, Library, Sports Complex. Rizvi College of Hotel Management has also been rated 4.5
Institute has a well supported campus with facilities such as Cafeteria, Labs, Library, Sports Complex. Rizvi College of Hotel Management has also been rated 4.5
Rizvi College of Hotel Management has been rated 4.4 on Infrastructure parameter.
Institute has a well supported campus with facilities such as Cafeteria, Labs, Library, Sports Complex. Rizvi College of Hotel Management has also been rated 4.5 for Campuslife.
Institute has a well supported campus with facilities such as Cafeteria, Labs, Library, Sports Complex. Rizvi College of Hotel Management has also been rated 4.5 for Campuslife.
2 years ago
Does this college provide foreign placements?
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Phateh agrawalCurrent Student
Contributor-Level 6
Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) has provided a passage to enormous opportunities of international placements. Various bachelors courses and senior secondary school students have been selected to work for a reputed Saudi Arabia based company
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Jyoti PrajapatiCurrent Student
Scholar-Level 16
Please visit this link:
Please visit this link:
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pradeep kumarCurrent Student
Sr. Section Engr(Design)
Scholar-Level 18
The fee details are not available on College website. However on the basis of information collected from other sources the asked course fee is about Rs 136000 per year.