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Uttkarsh beriwal

Guide-Level 15

The specific consequences of missing internal exams at Saraswati College of Engineering can depend on the college's policies and regulations. However, in general, there may be some implications for students who miss internal exams:1. Marks Ded
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Uttkarsh beriwal

Guide-Level 15

The number of students enrolled at the college can change from year to year and can depend on various factors such as admission policies, programme popularity, and available resources.To obtain the most accurate and up-to-date information rega
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Uttkarsh beriwal

Guide-Level 15

The consequences of failing in internal exams at Saraswati College of Engineering may vary depending on the college's policies and regulations. Here are some potential outcomes that could occur if a student fails in internal exams:1. Re-examin
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Uttkarsh beriwal

Guide-Level 15

The minimum marks required for admission to B.E. in Computer Science and Engineering at Saraswati College of Engineering may vary from year to year and can depend on factors such as the number of applicants, the competition level, and the coll
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Uttkarsh beriwal

Guide-Level 15

The specific marks required for admission to B.E. in Mechanical Engineering at Saraswati College of Engineering may vary from year to year and can depend on various factors such as the number of applicants, competition level, and the college's
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Sarika kumari

Contributor-Level 7

Saraswati College of Engineering is a private engineering college located in Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra. It was established in 2004 and is affiliated to Mumbai University. It offers B.Tech in six specializations: Computer Engineering, Electronic
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Shiksha Ask & Answer
Bhukya Sharath Naik

Contributor-Level 10

Yes, it is offered:Computer EngineeringInformation Technolog:Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science)Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning)Mechanical EngineeringAutomobile EngineeringCivil Engine
0 Follower 7 Views

Uttkarsh beriwal

Guide-Level 15

To understand what is unique about Saraswati College of Engineering, I recommend conducting independent research and referring to reliable sources such as the college's official website, college brochures, and prospectus, or speaking directly
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Uttkarsh beriwal

Guide-Level 15

Starting your first year at Saraswati College of Engineering can be an exciting and transformative experience. Here are some helpful tips to make the most of your time:1. Orientation Programs: Attend orientation programs organized by the colle
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Shiksha Ask & Answer
Bhukya Sharath Naik

Contributor-Level 10

Yes, the college also offers a few other B.Tech. programs, such as:Computer Engineering: 120Information Technology: 60Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science): 60Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence and Machine Lear