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suma vivek

Contributor-Level 9

Initially you'll be divided into a group of 15 members with whom you would be doing your GD and MP. So MP shall be taking place in front of these 15 members and the panellists in a room.
0 Follower 144 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Sunil Soni Management & IT Consultant

Scholar-Level 18

This will create challenges to you in HR round of interview. You will have to present credible reasons of both the gap years. However if your Technical round of interview is excellent , HR or decision maker may give exception to gap years.
0 Follower 66 Views

srividya mamidipudi

Contributor-Level 6

The topics which are given in the website will be asked for micro presentation and writing skills.The GD & PI includes the current topics and it will not include the topics present in the website.
0 Follower 30 Views

srividya mamidipudi

Contributor-Level 6

There is 100% placements in Christ college and there is equal scope for all specializations Christ University has been functioning effectively for over 15 years. The cell has grown along with the institute, from placing 60 students in the year
0 Follower 193 Views

suma vivek

Contributor-Level 9
Please go through the above link to download the MP topics. Mp topic will be given on the spot from the above topic
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srividya mamidipudi

Contributor-Level 6

The preferences can be changed only before the admission process carried down by approaching the management. Once the admission process is completed there is no possibility of any changes.
0 Follower 59 Views

suma vivek

Contributor-Level 9

No Christ does not accept MAT May score. Following were the criterion for this year.
Composite score of 600 or above in the Management Aptitude Test (MAT) conducted by AIMA in either September / December 2015 / February 2016 OR a composite scor
0 Follower 34 Views

suma vivek

Contributor-Level 9

It will take around one hour. You will grouped into a 15 members team with which you shall be giving the MP and GD. MP for 15 members will take around 20 mins and GD for another 20 minutes. So maximum it will take up to one hour.
0 Follower 51 Views

suma vivek

Contributor-Level 9

Companies have percentage criteria like a minimum of 60% throughout your education. Some companies ask for work experienced people below 2 years. You seem to have a very good work ex in IT field. So aim for better colleges like IIMs where they
2 Followers 547 Views

suma vivek

Contributor-Level 9

Yes, Christ University randomly allocates a student to either of the campus. There is no particular criteria for placing a student in certain campus.