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0 Follower 59 Views

Aman Apurva

Contributor-Level 6

Last year the second cutoff for obc was 95.75 , so I think this year if not in the second, you can clear the third cutoff but again it's completely up to the university and you have to wait for the cutoffs to get your answer. All the best.
0 Follower 155 Views

Aman Apurva

Contributor-Level 6

No, it's not necessary to include maths in best 4 ,you just need to have studied and passed in maths in XII.
0 Follower 64 Views

Aman Apurva

Contributor-Level 6

No, you need to have studied and passed maths in class XII. You don't need to include it in best 4 , but you need to have it as one of the subjects in class XII.
0 Follower 20 Views

Aman Apurva

Contributor-Level 6

No , I am sorry but the cutoffs for general category are very high and I don't think you can get through with 80%.
0 Follower 14 Views

Aman Apurva

Contributor-Level 6

It will be released on the DU and SRCC websites once the applications are closed.
0 Follower 6 Views

Aman Apurva

Contributor-Level 6

I don't know about BPL card, but it will give relaxation to OBCs, Sc and At. The percentage required will be given in the cutoff.
0 Follower 16 Views

Aman Apurva

Contributor-Level 6

Just fill the UG application form which is available on the DU website. Once SRCC releases its cutoff you admissions procedure, you'll know what to do. Just stay updated and keep checking the DU and SRCC websites regularly.
0 Follower 72 Views

Aman Apurva

Contributor-Level 6

That will completely depend on this year's cutoffs. But you should have studied maths in class 12th in order to qualify. Maths is not necessary to include in the best 4 but you should have it as one of the subjects studied in class 12th.
0 Follower 84 Views

Aman Apurva

Contributor-Level 6

No, I am sorry but if you don't have Maths in class 12th , you can't apply for B.Com Hons. in DU. But, you can definitely apply for B.Com.
0 Follower 27 Views

Aman Apurva

Contributor-Level 6

I think it would be somewhat similar to last year's cutoffs I. e 98.5% - 97.75%.