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Aman Apurva

Contributor-Level 6

The admission form that will be released on the website of DU will be applicable in all colleges except few. After the cutoffs are released and if you clear it you can take a printout of the form selecting srcc, go to the college, get your doc
0 Follower 17 Views

Aman Apurva

Contributor-Level 6

Cutoffs for 2019 admissions were 97.75-98.50%. It would be more or less like it this year as well and for dramatics society, once you are in the college you can apply for it, give auditions and if you do well you will be inducted in it.
0 Follower 78 Views

Aman Apurva

Contributor-Level 6

Yes, but there shall be a deduction of 2.5% while calculating the best 4.
The merit shall be determined on the basis of one language and three best academic/elective subjects from LIST A. If the subjects you choose for calculation of best 4 are
0 Follower 197 Views

Aman Apurva

Contributor-Level 6

You need to have studied maths in class 12th to become eligible for admission in eco hons. It is not necessary to include it in best four but it should be one of the subjects studied in class 12.
0 Follower 85 Views

Aman Apurva

Contributor-Level 6

This year, it is somewhere around 44900 per year excluding mess bill, electricity bill, etc. You have to pay for those separately.
1 Follower 29 Views

Aman Apurva

Contributor-Level 6

Every semester the subjects change. In the first semester, we had financial accounting, business law, micro eco (elective) and English. In second semester, we had corporate accounting, corporate law, macro eco (elective) and EVS. There are fiv
0 Follower 20 Views

Aman Apurva

Contributor-Level 6

No, the admissions are based on class 12th results. Marks of best 4 subjects are taken compulsorily including English/Hindi. You must have maths as one of the subjects in 12th.
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Aman Apurva

Contributor-Level 6

If you don't have Maths you won't be able to join the college because the two courses available here i.e. B.Com (Hons) and B.A. Eco Hons, both require maths as one of the subjects studied in 12th. The admissions are based on class 12th results
0 Follower 26 Views

Shashank Pandey

Beginner-Level 3

There is no entrance exam in Shri Ram for B.Com. It is based on your 12th percentage.