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Shiksha Ask & Answer
Shivam Chhirolya

Scholar-Level 17

You can get admission here with this percentage. So, you can apply for admission.
Good luck.
0 Follower 91 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Vidura Arya Always a helper, keen on providing value.

Guide-Level 11

Hello Shivam,
1. The first cut off list for B.Com in SRCC last year was released on June 18, 2018. The cut off for OBC was 95.50%.
2. The second cut off was released on June 24, 2018. The cutoff for OBC was 95%.
3. The third cut off was releas
0 Follower 418 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Ashish Kumar fsociety

Contributor-Level 10

Hi,SRCC only provides B.Com (H), and there is no chance for you to get B.Com (H) in SRCC, because the cut off won't go below 97%. I don't know whether this was a troll question, or are you out of your mind.
And another piece of information, as
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Shiksha Ask & Answer
Vidura Arya Always a helper, keen on providing value.

Guide-Level 11

Hello Shivam, look at the trends of last year. Here is the first cut off list for B.Com(H) released by SRCC for all categories, in 2018:
General : 97.75%
OBC: 95.50%
SC : 92.75%
ST: 87.50%
PwD: 86.75%
Kashmir migrants : 88.75%.
0 Follower 108 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Vidura Arya Always a helper, keen on providing value.

Guide-Level 11

Hi, NO. There is no method to take admission in SRCC for B.Com (H) without Mathematics. You must have Maths either as an optional subject (5th subject) or as an additional subject (6th subject).
0 Follower 136 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Hargun Singh Sahni B. Tech student studying at MSIT

Contributor-Level 9

The percentage for admission is the same for any board. You need to get above 90% to get into SRCC.
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Shiksha Ask & Answer
Shivani Hashia

Contributor-Level 9

Getting admission in SRCC is very difficult for 90% scorer, even with reservations the cutoffs are high being the topmost college of the university.
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Shiksha Ask & Answer
Vidura Arya Always a helper, keen on providing value.

Guide-Level 11

Hi, Yes, for Economics(H) from DU you should have Maths till 12th class but it is not necessary to include it in 'Best Four Subjects' (BFS). You should have Maths either as an optional subject (5th subject) or as an additional subject (6th sub
0 Follower 55 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Er Abhishek Agarwal Structural Design Engineer

Contributor-Level 8

94% is low percentage to get admission in this college. It is amongst the top college of DU, and students with maximum marks only get opportunity to study here. But, still all the best.
2 Followers 176 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Jeetashree Doley

Contributor-Level 6

Usually, the cut-offs for general category is close at 98%/97.8% maximum. But if you have any reservations, you do have chances to get in, depending on the session's cut-offs.