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0 Follower 93 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Sibani Sonowal

Contributor-Level 7

No. Maths as a subject in +2 is really important. But its not compulsory to add maths for your best 4.
0 Follower 72 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Jeetashree Doley

Contributor-Level 6

Eligibility is having Maths in +2 and passing in the subject. Their cutoff for the respective year, entrance exam rank/minimum score set by the college (not sure about this as DU will be having an entrance for the first time in courses like B.
0 Follower 36 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Jeetashree Doley

Contributor-Level 6

No, it's not. You must have a language subject, one subject in the line of the course and two any other subjects you've studied. Try this link: //
0 Follower 40 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Sibani Sonowal

Contributor-Level 7

It's based on your class 12th percentage. But this year, there might be an entrance test. It's not confirmed yet.
Stay updated.
0 Follower 60 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Jeetashree Doley

Contributor-Level 6

No, it's not. You must have a language subject, one subject in the line of the course, and two any other subjects you've studied. Try this link to get an idea:
0 Follower 54 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Shashank Sharma Software Developer ,ZS Scholar ,AIT-Pune'20

Guide-Level 12

You can pursue BA (mass communication).
0 Follower 37 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Sibani Sonowal

Contributor-Level 7

It was until last year i.e. 2017.
Stay updated on this year's admission procedure. It might be on the basis of entrance marks. I am not sure.
0 Follower 29 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Jeetashree Doley

Contributor-Level 6

Applying for SRCC depends on when their applications come out i.e, around end of May.
0 Follower 353 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Jeetashree Doley

Contributor-Level 6

You have to have Maths in +2 to be eligible for admission in SRCC. I'm sorry but I don't think there's any alternative.
1 Follower 154 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Jeetashree Doley

Contributor-Level 6

Yes, it's necessary that you 'have' and 'pass' in maths in your +2 to be eligible for B.Com(Hons.) in Shri Ram College of Commerce, or any other college in DU. Maths is a compulsory subject if you are doing a honours course in B.Com.