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0 Follower 35 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
rajnish kumar

Contributor-Level 10

Your score is too low for MMS because last year cutoff was around 97 percentile for MMS.
0 Follower 78 Views

Yazad Mithaiwala

Contributor-Level 10

The finance department is headed by a strong HOD, The faculty is experienced. You need to identify what do you wish to do in finance and work towards that in these two Years, the avg package is around 6 lakh
All the best
0 Follower 127 Views

Shivangi Goenka

Beginner-Level 3

Last date for form download is 24th March and submission is 28th March.
0 Follower 102 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
rajnish kumar

Contributor-Level 10

Finance is good in SIES. And college does not disclose the placements specialization wise but overall placements are good in college. The statistical details of the placement of the batch 2013-15 are as under:
a. Highest salary: Rs 17.0 lacs p.
1 Follower 109 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Shaurya Singh

Guide-Level 13

Yes u have a very good chance of getting a GDPI call. All the best!!
0 Follower 242 Views

Yazad Mithaiwala

Contributor-Level 10

Keep yourself updated with all the recent news , follow some abstract topics on YouTube and increase creativity. Follow some management topics and statements even they can be given as a topic. There are two interviews , one would be your perso
2 Followers 85 Views

Yazad Mithaiwala

Contributor-Level 10

You are eligible from the above following conditions But you should apply for pgdm and take up finance as your specialization as it covers banking and insurance as a subject. All the best
0 Follower 100 Views

Yazad Mithaiwala

Contributor-Level 10

Apply with the 2016 form before the last date of submission, you can change your entrance test score later while submitting the application
0 Follower 26 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
rajnish kumar

Contributor-Level 10

There is no hostel facility in college. 51 per cent seats of allprograms are reserved for Maharashtra domiciled students with 'Tamil' as the mother tongue. However, if adequate number of qualified candidates are not available from the above ca
0 Follower 36 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
rajnish kumar

Contributor-Level 10

24th march 2016 last date for sale of the form and 28th march 2016 last date for submission.