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Atul Mishra

Beginner-Level 1

Smart Age. offers Certificate courses courses including Certificate courses. These programs are offerred in Full Time mode. Seats intake availability for these courses at Smart Age. goes up to 40.
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Manali Barad

Contributor-Level 9

The minimum age limit for JEE Main is 17 years. For General & OBC: As per the JEE Main Eligibility 2018, the candidates must have born after 1st October 1993 i.e. they must not age more than 24 Years while appearing in the exam. Originally eve
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Raja Ranjan

Beginner-Level 4

There is no such age limit for regular MBA in IIM's, but executive MBA offered by few IIM's need 8 to 10 years of work experience (i.e. minimum 27 years age). You are a B.Com graduate with no work experience, so you can attempt CAT exam.

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