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0 Follower 134 Views

Shiladitya Roy

Contributor-Level 9

Hi Ayushi,
There is actually no such course. It's an ancillary in the college. But there is a BA in Journalism and Mass Communication course in St. Xavier's University, Kolkata. You can get the details on the website of SXUK.
Minimum marks req
0 Follower 59 Views

Shiladitya Roy

Contributor-Level 9

Hi Reyan,
Both the institutes are good in their own ways. But considering your choice, Journalism, I would suggest AAFT. They have BA in Journalism and Mass Communication, which is more journalism centric.
Whereas the course SXCKOL offers is ma
0 Follower 41 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Group Captain Vinayak Deodhar La vie est faite pour vivre pas pour stresser

Scholar-Level 18

Hello Simran,
MA in my opinion would be the best course after BA. However, there are plenty of courses related to eco culminating in certificate or Diploma. You can attempt one of these.
0 Follower 42 Views

Shiladitya Roy

Contributor-Level 9

Hi Meghna,
There is a placement cell in St. Xavier's College, Kolkata. If you register there, you can opt for placement facility.
Students of this course can register there.
So yes, you can have placement. I would suggest you to look at previo
0 Follower 27 Views

Shiladitya Roy

Contributor-Level 9

Hi Adityakumar,
The approximate cost for 3 years of study will be 3.6 lakhs.
The date's already announced more than a month back. Anyway, it's on 13th June from 1.30 PM.
0 Follower 31 Views

Shiladitya Roy

Contributor-Level 9

Hi Swaraj,
In addition to the fees one can have anything and everything he/she wants to but there's nothing compulsory. If you want to buy a DSLR you can. It will help anyway but you also have the option to not to buy. Having a pc with certain
0 Follower 93 Views

Shiladitya Roy

Contributor-Level 9

Hi Shekhar, you can apply. One can apply from any recognised board. Go through the eligibility criteria of the particular subject you want to opt. If you are eligible you can apply for sure and rest depends on the merit list. You can take admi
0 Follower 306 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Deepak Yadav live the life the way you want.

Contributor-Level 9

You can do CA course along with your B.Com honours from Xavier's but you have to consider following points:
1. While taking admission in CA you have to write a letter to ICAI for the course i.e. B.Com you are doing from Xavier's.
2. In Xavier's
0 Follower 33 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Group Captain Vinayak Deodhar La vie est faite pour vivre pas pour stresser

Scholar-Level 18

Hello Prisnita,
For pursuing your B.Sc in eco here, one has to take maths and one more subject. I am attaching a link that will give you all the required information.
1 Follower 146 Views

Shiladitya Roy

Contributor-Level 9

Hi Adrita,
Go to the following link and you will get to know all the details about the admission procedure and you will also get the online application form's link.
If you have any further queries feel free to ask.
All the best.