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0 Follower 210 Views

Sanjay Aggarwal

Beginner-Level 3

To become an AME you are should have no any disability, fits etc, no night vision or color vision problem. Please let me know the reason for your unfitness so that appropriate answer can be give. You may call at 08586928404

The user recommends
0 Follower 90 Views

Sanjay Aggarwal

Beginner-Level 3

There is no interview to join AME course. Please visit Star Aviation Academy along with your certificates and admission fee. Please call me at 08586928404
0 Follower 88 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer

Beginner-Level 5

Dear student,
After this three year basic training students go to the airlines and are appointed as Apprentices for one year which required by law. There after depending upon the performance shown and examinations qualified the airline would de