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Nikhil Samyal

Beginner-Level 5

Yes, Registration Start Date B.A. B.Com May 18, 2023, I recommend visiting their official website or contacting the college directly. The most recent facts regarding deadlines for applications, qualifications, and other pertinent information
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Nikhil Samyal

Beginner-Level 5

Spend some time walking around the campus and learning where the different buildings, such as the libraries, offices, and other facilities, are located. You'll be able to move around the campus more quickly and comfortably if you do this. Symb
0 Follower 37 Views

Nikhil Samyal

Beginner-Level 5

Symbiosis College of Arts & Commerce in Pune offers hostel accommodations for its students. For male and female students, the college has separate rooms. Hostel room availability may be influenced by variables including demand and space constr
0 Follower 42 Views

Nikhil Samyal

Beginner-Level 5

For students who miss internal exams for legitimate reasons like illness or emergency, the institution may offer make-up exams or retests. In certain circumstances, the student can be granted the chance to show up for a make-up exam at a later
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Hridaya Kumari

Beginner-Level 5

You can apply in Manipal University Jaipur. As it has wide opportunities and exposure.
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Varun Iyer

Beginner-Level 4

JK Lakshmipat University has come up with the new programme for the students of liberal arts which is PGD in Analysis and Research. This is a one year programme which is being offered by one of the leading universities of India. This programme
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Ariahnt Jain

Contributor-Level 7

There are number of interesting courses that you can pursue after liberal arts and will really help you. JK Lakshmipat University has come up with the new programme for the students of liberal arts which is PGD in Analysis and Research. This i
0 Follower 21 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
BASIL PAUL K Digging my way into the Hospitality Industry

Guide-Level 15

Yes, there are scholarships available. Contact your college administration for details on the same.
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Daksh Nagpal

Guide-Level 12
Follow the link and get details on BA in liberal art