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0 Follower 8 Views

Om Pandey

Contributor-Level 9

No, it depends upon us how we use our education and knowledge. Even if u didn't get any placement u can open your office or start teaching students for CS as CS is some of the most respected professions in India. Every stream has vast opportun
0 Follower 27 Views

Aakansha Purohit

Contributor-Level 10

Hello dear, The National Defence Academy NDA and the Combined Defence Services CDS Exams are gateways to the tri-services of the Indian Armed Forces. Though both the exams are conducted by the Union Public Service Commission, I. e. UPSC for th
0 Follower 7 Views

Nikhil Sahu

Beginner-Level 2

Hi Hemant,
Seems like that you want to find a perfect college in all aspects. Everyone wants!
You know that nobody is perfect in all aspects but could be in one. So first you have to find out your talent, your skills, your interests then accordi
1 Follower 45 Views

Sushant Sharma

Scholar-Level 16

Hi, There is no such percentage mentioned on the official website. Candidates must have passed 10+2 or equivalent and they must have a good understanding of written English, world geography and basic mathematics to get eligible for the course.
0 Follower 37 Views

rahul r

Scholar-Level 18

There are over 20 Certificate in Photography colleges in Pune Offering 21 Courses. Please refer to the link provided below for a detailed list of these colleges. You should be able to navigate to a course and college of your choice using the f
2 Followers 99 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Jacinta Nayagam j

Beginner-Level 4

Please contact our Pune centre, Tel:020 26138876/9370260312
0 Follower 62 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Jacinta Nayagam j

Beginner-Level 4

Yes it is. I'll help you with the details:
Tel/Mob: 0832 2228376/9822388769
0 Follower 97 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Group Captain Vinayak Deodhar La vie est faite pour vivre pas pour stresser

Scholar-Level 18

Bangalore Management Academy, located in Bangalore was established in year 2005. It offers post graduate courses in management with different domains. One of them is Tourism. It apparently had tie up with some universities abroad, which