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0 Follower 26 Views

Lorna Dsouza

Guide-Level 13

Yes, it does. You can refer:<i=260932&ts=88873465.
0 Follower 411 Views

Neha B

Contributor-Level 7

Hello Onkar, You can check QS ranking where you will get better idea. But I always suggest student first check the course structure then location and then the ranking of the universities. Coming to the finance part Australia will be expensive
0 Follower 24 Views

Lavanya Puri

Contributor-Level 10

Hi Aditya, If you have the option, you should opt for Trinity as it is in the top 10 list of IPU colleges for mass communication.
0 Follower 28 Views

nishchit jain

Beginner-Level 5

Both are equal. I would suggest visit the colleges and meet the current students and faculty first and then take a decision.
0 Follower 48 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Akansha Dhiman journalism student

Contributor-Level 8

Admission is done on the basis of rank scored. Three lists of the result are declared by IPU. You must keep a check on the result. If you get admission, then it's good. Otherwise, wait for the spot counselling session, you may get Trinity Coll
0 Follower 28 Views

kanksha Mutreja

Guide-Level 12

This rank is very good to take admission in Maharaja Agrasen which is the second best college for BJMC. So you are eligible for Trinity as well. I hope you have filled the college in counseling sheet.
0 Follower 56 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Aroon Bae A gamer and love helping people

Contributor-Level 9

Hi Abhishek, they have a PG Diploma in Accounting. Not sure which programme you are talking about. Can you check it on their website after knowing the programme you want to study? Here is the programme link
0 Follower 118 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Chetna S

Scholar-Level 17

Trinity is one of the best and is accepted all over UK and Europe. You can check the skill shortage list of Ireland and see the chances of job with your degree.
0 Follower 152 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Chetna S

Scholar-Level 17

Trinity stands at the top of the list of CSE colleges in the world ranking and the fee for Master's degree ranges between 12 to 15,000 Euros apart from the cost of living and other expenses.