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0 Follower 61 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
manisha dupal

Contributor-Level 6

Dear Sidharth,
Both the institutes mentioned by you are equally good and thus it will be very difficult to tell which one will be the best option. However, we can help you with the parameters that you can keep in mind while choosing an institut
1 Follower 99 Views

Taha Mirza

Contributor-Level 7

There is a campus which has rooms and can accomodate non-local students. It is a full time program and students staying nearby also have to stay on campus and in the hostel.
0 Follower 46 Views

Taha Mirza

Contributor-Level 7

The placements for the PGDM batch 2014-16 are going on right now. Many students have already been placed and have started working.
0 Follower 56 Views

Taha Mirza

Contributor-Level 7

The MBA program at UBS is affiliated to the Cardiff Metropolitan University and the BBA has 2 affiliations, one is again the Cardiff Metropolitan University and the other is Jaipur National University. There is a dual degree advantage in th
0 Follower 121 Views

Taha Mirza

Contributor-Level 7

The admission criteria depends on many other factors:
Score, Interview, Communication, Experience, Extra curricular activities, and competitiveness. Hence apply online and accept the challenge to give your best for UBS.
0 Follower 46 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Sayyad Mohd Arshi MBA, PGD FPWM & BBA

Contributor-Level 6

The preformance and placement of college is good enough
placement is depand upon on ur capabilities
0 Follower 122 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
mahima c

Contributor-Level 6

Hi Abhishek,
The Training and Placement Unit of the Institute is responsible for providing world class job opportunities to the undergraduate and postgraduate students after graduation for suitable jobs in the industry and various private and p
0 Follower 188 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
aasif makandar going to b know d world what is actually...

Contributor-Level 9

it is most pretctible and consistant univrsty so go for undoubtedly
0 Follower 64 Views

Derrick Joseph

Beginner-Level 5

Yes you are eligible for our admission process.
0 Follower 115 Views

Taha Mirza

Contributor-Level 7

That's great congratulations. Yea you can go ahead and join this institute as you will expose yourself to a complete different environment as compared to other colleges. The professors, the teaching method, competitions, will develop you overa