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0 Follower 85 Views

Anik Verma

Guide-Level 14

Well, I think you are not eligible for the Master of Computer Applications in Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute. The candidate must be a graduate from a well-recognized university or institution and have studied computers as a compul
0 Follower 38 Views

Vikash Jain

Guide-Level 14

If you are a general category candidate, the cutoff is 190+ for CS IT,
185 + for Mechanical, electrical. You can expect little low cut off for electronics and civil around 180 or 175 for civil for production its 165+ and for textile it is 140+
0 Follower 25 Views

Parakh Mishra

Guide-Level 11

Yes, you can go for that.
0 Follower 76 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer

Contributor-Level 6

Sorry to say, but they don't have automobile engineering Diploma. Other courses available are chemical engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, electronic engineering, civil engineering and civil engineering.
0 Follower 50 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Satadal Basu Roy

Contributor-Level 6

Yes, you are eligible.
0 Follower 75 Views

rohith kola

Guide-Level 14

Yes, there is a chance that you will get textile or production branch in VJTI in 2nd/3rd round. But you should also know that textile and production branch is not as good as other, so if you want to change branch then you need at least 8+ poin
0 Follower 25 Views

rohith kola

Guide-Level 14

COEP is better any day, not just for a particular branch but as a college itself. It has a rich history, some exceptional alumni from both Mechanical and Instrumentation departments and frankly the brand speaks for itself. Mechanical departmen
1 Follower 284 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
anshuman yadav UPSC aspirant

Guide-Level 15

Yes, you can join diploma after 3 years but you have to give a proper reason in written why you had opted gap and your reason should be genuine.
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Shreya Nalwade

Beginner-Level 5

Yes, you should try applying. The results might surprise you.
0 Follower 45 Views

rohith kola

Guide-Level 14

VJTI ( Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute), Mumbai is a Government college and it takes admission through MHT CET only and only Maharashtra State students are eligible to take admission in this college.
if you belong to Maharashtra state