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0 Follower 152 Views

Vikash Ravichandran

Contributor-Level 7

This year admission is over. You can apply only next year, but this percentile in good enough for getting admission.
0 Follower 293 Views

Vikash Ravichandran

Contributor-Level 7

I am sorry, there is no management quota as such. and even if there is, they wont tell us the donation amount. you will have to contact the college directly
0 Follower 73 Views

Vikash Ravichandran

Contributor-Level 7

It's a big list. If u want I can mail you the details. Pls give me your mail Id. If its the domains you are asking. They are finance, production, operations, HR and marketing
0 Follower 214 Views

Vikash Ravichandran

Contributor-Level 7

Minimum 60 percentile for MAT and CMAT, 50 for CAT approx. next year.
0 Follower 259 Views

Vikash Ravichandran

Contributor-Level 7

There is no separate entrance exam for this, but there will be screening process like PI and GD. CAT or MAT score is enough.
0 Follower 125 Views

Vikash Ravichandran

Contributor-Level 7

VIT Chennai does not offer BBA or BBA MBA integrated course till now. But they are planning to offer BBA in the near future.
0 Follower 114 Views

Vikash Ravichandran

Contributor-Level 7

This year it was 60+ percentile. They will tell the criteria next year only.
0 Follower 84 Views

Vikash Ravichandran

Contributor-Level 7

Marketing, Finance and HR are getting better placements when compared to other majors.
0 Follower 76 Views

Vikash Ravichandran

Contributor-Level 7

Last year it started around June 25th. So you could expect the same this time also. Check the admission letter they gave you. It should have the date of joining. Last time they told us on that day itself.
0 Follower 88 Views

Vikash Ravichandran

Contributor-Level 7

Minimum MAT percentile is 60. You can apply for next year only as the admissions are already over.